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Hi, I'm Natalie. I'm an award-winning Senior Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Coach, also known as The Perfectionism Therapist. Happy reading...

Mental Health

Perfectionism Blog

CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Low Self-Esteem: Understanding Symptoms & Treatment

August 1, 2022

Mental Health

Low self-esteem is a common but often overlooked problem that can have a significant impact on an your mental health and quality of life. However with the right understanding and treatment, you can learn to improve your self-esteem and cultivate a more positive self-image. In this blog post, we’ll explore what poor self-esteem is, common […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Where Does Perfectionism Come From?

July 22, 2022


If you’ve realised you’re a perfectionist or started noticing some hidden signs you might be, perhaps you’re wondering why. Where does perfectionism come from? And is there anything you can do about it? What Causes Perfectionism? It’s unlikely there’s one single, isolated reason for your perfectionism. It’s usually down to a mixture of causes. Childhood […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Hidden Signs of Perfectionism

July 8, 2022


What if I told you there’s a chance you could be a perfectionist without even realising? Perfectionism can show up in many different ways, some more obvious than others. Many of my clients seek therapy knowing full well they’re perfectionists. It’s exactly what they want to work on, because let’s face it, being a perfectionist […]

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Stress and Burnout: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

July 1, 2022

Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced world, feeling stressed and burnt out has become an increasingly common challenge that many people face. Stress can accumulate over time and lead to burnout – but with the right treatment and support you can recover and regain balance in your life. In this blog post, we’ll explore the symptoms of stress […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Why You Need to Feel Your Feelings

June 24, 2022


What are Emotions and Why Do We Have Them? Emotions are something we constantly feel. They can happen when certain actions or feelings stir a certain response within us. We may feel emotions due to a situation, an experience, or from memories. They help us understand the things we are experiencing and express the way […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

How to Tackle Your Low Self-Esteem

June 10, 2022


What is Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is how you value and perceive yourself. It’s based on your opinions and beliefs about yourself. These can feel very difficult to change, but healthy self-esteem is key to positive mental health and wellbeing. It’s critical for cultivating a satisfying life, and it’s also a predictor of performance and success. People […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety

May 27, 2022

Mental Health

In simple terms, anxiety is what we feel when we’re worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think might happen in the future. Collectively, we’ve just lived through an incredibly painful, uncertain period of history. At the beginning of the pandemic, between 20 March and 30 […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Using Mindfulness to Shift From Burnout to Balance

May 13, 2022


What is Burnout? Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion reached slowly over time as a result of prolonged, unrelenting stress. It can show up in any area of your life including work, parenting, university and close relationships. It’s most likely to occur when you’re exposed to a lot of demands over an […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Panic Disorder: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

May 1, 2022

Mental Health

Living with Panic Disorder can be challenging. But with the right understand and treatment, you can find relief and regain control over your life again. In this blog post, we’ll explore what panic disorder is, common symptoms, effective treatment options, and how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help you overcome your panic attacks. What is […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Mental Health Maintenance – Why Everyone Could Use Therapy

April 22, 2022

Mental Health

I believe in a modern approach to mental health. We all do things to look after our physical health. We go to the gym, we eat nourishing meals, and we do our best to get a good night’s sleep. We don’t wait for a health crisis to hit – we do these things to stay […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

How and Why to Journal for Your Mental Health

April 8, 2022


What is Journaling for Mental Health? Journaling is the act of putting pen to paper and writing whatever you feel like writing, often with a reflective focus. You might address a particular situation or event in the past or simply write about how you’re feeling that day. Either way, it can be a cathartic experience […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Generalised Anxiety Disorder: Understanding Symptoms & Treatment

April 1, 2022

Mental Health

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) can significantly impact your daily life, causing excessive worry and distress that is difficult to control. However, with the right understanding and treatment, people can overcome GAD and regain a sense of calm and control. In this blog post, we’ll explore what generalised anxiety disorder is, common symptoms, and effective treatment […]

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