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Hi, I'm Natalie. I'm an award-winning Senior Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Coach, also known as The Perfectionism Therapist. Happy reading...

Mental Health

Perfectionism Blog

CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

5 Ways to Beat Unhealthy Perfectionism

February 25, 2022


If you read my recent post, Wondering if You’re a Perfectionist?, and decided you probably are, you might be wondering what to do about it. As I’ve said before, there’s a marked difference between healthy perfectionism and unhealthy perfectionism. Rather than simply working hard to achieve their goals, the latter group strives for flawlessness. They […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Perfectionism: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

September 1, 2023

Mental Health

Did you know that perfectionism isn’t actually a mental health disorder, it’s a personality trait? But like all personality traits it can sometimes become toxic. Unhealthy perfectionism (sometimes referred to as maladaptive perfectionism) can lead to significant distress and impairment in various areas of your life. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what unhealthy […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

How to Silence Your Inner Critic & Feel ‘Good Enough’

August 10, 2023


Your inner critic is the sound of self-criticism. It’s the negative voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough. Telling you you’re doing a bad job. Convincing you not to try something new because you’re guaranteed to fail. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, I’ve got you.   What is Self-Criticism and Why Do We […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Perfectionism and the Need for Control – How to Let Go

August 10, 2023


Unhealthy perfectionism is often characterised by an excessive need for control. As a result, perfectionists may seem picky and highly critical of others. They’re so preoccupied with ensuring everything around them is flawless, they attempt to control situations or people. This can make relationships very tricky! So, why do perfectionists need control, and can they […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Quick Tips to Improve Your Mood

January 20, 2023


Are You Feeling Low? Symptoms of general low mood may include feeling sad, anxious, or panicky. You may be more tired than usual or unable to sleep. You may also feel angry or frustrated and low on confidence or self-esteem. Most people feel low sometimes. It’s normal to have good days and bad days, ups […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Life

November 8, 2022


What is Self-Sabotage and How to Spot It In simple terms, self-sabotage is when you hinder or undermine your own success. It can be difficult to identify self-sabotaging behaviour because the consequences might not be immediately obvious, making the connection unclear. One thing to look out for is whether your behaviours are aligned with your […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

How to Break the Cycle of Rumination

October 17, 2022


Do you ever find yourself ruminating? Going over things from the past again and again? Usually with a strong flavour of self-criticism and negativity? ‘I could have done this, I should have done that etc’. It’s very common among perfectionists who get stuck in a cycle of repetitively mulling over a thought or problem without […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Why Perfectionists Struggle to Feel Content & What to Do About It

October 17, 2022


Do You Feel Content? Contentment is a state of being happy and satisfied. It’s not the short-lived, excited kind of happy, it’s more like being peaceful and at ease. Feeling content means being satisfied with who you are, where you are, what you have and how far you’ve come. It’s not that you don’t have […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Let’s Debunk 6 Common Mindfulness Myths

September 23, 2022


I’m passionate about mindfulness and I’m on a mission to make it as easy and accessible as possible. I believe it’s one of the best ways to find balance and avoid burnout. Mindfulness can serve as the perfect antidote to stress, it can help with many mental and physical health issues, as well as generally […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Find Out How Self-Compassionate You Are

September 9, 2022


Self-compassion is your secret superpower. Research shows it can have a significant positive impact on your mental health and overall wellbeing. Individuals who are more self-compassionate tend to have greater happiness and less anxiety and depression. It can help you tackle low self-esteem and there are other benefits too… Self-Compassion as an Antidote for Perfectionism Yes, […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Anxiety Disorders: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment

September 1, 2022

Mental Health

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whilst anxiety is a completely normal part of being a human, sometimes it can become excessive and develop into an anxiety disorder. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different types of anxiety disorders, signs of an anxiety disorder, and […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

5 Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome

August 26, 2022


What is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter syndrome is the chronic feeling of inadequacy and incompetence, despite success. In simple terms, it’s the experience of feeling like a phony, believing you are going to be found out any minute and revealed to be a fraud. You may feel like you don’t belong and believe any success you’ve achieved […]

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CBT Therapist Hertfordshire

Is Perfectionism Sabotaging Your Relationships?

August 12, 2022


Perfectionism doesn’t just affect people on an individual level, it can impact our relationships too. The unhelpful thinking styles, habits and behaviours associated with perfectionism can create stress and tension, sabotaging relationships from within. Sound Familiar? Is perfectionism sabotaging your relationships? If you answer yes to some or all the questions below, perfectionism could be […]

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